Recommending A Free Football API

I used to find the newest information about Real Madrid by Googling because Google provides a well-built widget.

Recently I found a Restful API for football data,, which provides a free plan with 100 requests per day. With the server side running scheduled PHP scripts, I successfully implemented my own web page which automatically updates the newest information about Real Madrid and Manchester United everyday.

You may consider directly embedding the widgets provided by the API. However, since the widgets use client-side scripts (JavaScript), there’re two things you need to take into consideration. The first is that “your API-KEY will be visible to the users of your site, it is possible to protect yourself from this by allowing only the desired domains in our dashboard. This way no one else can use your API-KEY for you“(from the API provider). The second is the limit on the number of requests per day, because the requests are sent from the client-side and are totally out of your control.

If you’re interested, they also offer APIs for other sports data, such as hockey, NFL, NBA, rugby, volleyball, basketball, baseball and Formula-1.

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